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Nature education activities
Each learning session covers a bigger topic. After a general introduction we delve into details and deepen the knowledge during small group activities.
At each station, children have the oppurtunity to "walk around the topic" and explore the elements from different perspectives.
The focus is on more direct experiencing and exploring, by which we can bring the living world closer to the students. By using interactive, playful methods and by engaging the childrens' skills, we aim to stimulate and strengthen their curiosity and interest, and to develop their ability to learn independently.
At the end of the activities, together with the whole class, we review the main points, what we have seen and heard, capturing the most relevant aspects.
We mainly adapt our activities to the dynamics of natural processes, living organisms and seasonal changes. However, they can also be based on special days such as anniversaries and holidays linked to natural values.
We also develop other nature-related activities at the request of teachers and classes. These do not strictly follow the school curriculum, but build on prior knowledge acquired in environmental study- and biology classes. Our aim is to deepen, broaden and contextualise these and to reinforce a holistic approach.
First and foremost, we focus on children's most basic qualities: openness to the world around them, instinctive curiosity and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. We also seek to nurture and strengthen these qualities in their encounter with the living world, which requires special attention, particularly in a metropolitan environment.
Playful methods also play a significant role in our activities. This way logics, manual skills, speed and creativity can also be developed.
You can view our continuously growing list of activities for children in classes 0-4 and book an appointment here.
Our "Nature Casino" for children in grades 7-12 can be viewed in more detail here and appointments can be booked by clicking here.
Trips and summer camps
We believe that learning outside plays a crucial role in education, thus we aim to organize as many outside activities as we can. Most of the time we wander around Cluj Napoca, we stop inspecting plants, animals, fungi on the way, and with the older children we also practice using downloadable GPS applications on phones.
â’¸ Pénzes Janka
In 2021, for the first time, we organised nature camps for 5-8th graders in Szenéte, in the research house of the Hungarian Institute of Biology and Ecology of the BBTE and in VármezÅ‘, in the Aster project house of
Keywords: campfire, cooking together, handicrafts, nature walks, drama-based pedagogy sessions led by Emese Csilla Nádasdi.
From 2022, nature trips around Cluj-Napoca became a regular activity, first for primary school children and their parents, then for teenagers and young people.
TETE - Nature Education Room
Each week in TETE we focus on a different subject, depending on the season, what can be observed in the outside world, or upcoming events. Throughout the year, we cover and explore topics such as autumn fruits, migrating and wintering birds, how living beings prepare for winter, what creatures are associated with King Matthias, what is pollination and who does it, which spring plants can be seen on a field trip, the difference between reptiles and amphibians, and much more.
During the activities, we concentrate on giving children an opportunity to take a close look at what we learn about with a magnifying glass, binocular or even to hold these thing in hand. Our collection includes antlers, horns, skulls and other bones, fur, snake skin, seeds, leaves, insect taxidermy, feathers, bird houses and feeders, bee hotels.
Bird ringing in Parcul Est
Bird ringing is the oldest scientific method for tracking bird migration. During winter we help many species of birds overwinter in Parcul Est by regularly feeding them so they could be observed from up close.
During a session, participants will gain insight into the mysteries of ringing, starting from the removal of birds from nets to scientific measurements and releasing the birds.
This programme offers a unique opportunity to learn information that you may not hear everyday and even meet the birds you may have only seen flying away.
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